EdiMotion 24. – 27.10.2025

Films accessible to non-German viewers

The main focus of the opening ceremony at Edimotion on Friday 11 October is on our lifetime achievement award, which in 2024 goes to editor Gabriele Voss. This event is in German, but we will provide an translation of the speeches via head-set – and importantly, the film screening has English subtitles. The featured film ANNA ZEIT LAND (1994) accompanies two women on their separate journeys through Germany in the years 1989-1993. It is directed by Gabriele's husband and long-term collabroator Christoph Hübner. Before the screening, screenwriter Marcus Seibert will hold a laudation to Gabriele Voss. Curator Sven Ilgner will talk to Gabriele after the screening.

As part of the build-up to the European Film Awards 2024 in Lucerne, SWISS FILMS and the European Film Academy are sponsoring a reception for editors ahead of our opening night 19:00 – 20:00. The Location is the same: Filmforum NRW, Bischofsgartenstr. 1. Note: If you are a participant of the IFEF, you do not require a ticket for the opening ceremony this year.

As for the rest of the festival: The films from our German/Austrian/Swiss editing competitions are screened during daytime on Saturday and Sunday. Some have no subtitles or only German ones. But some films will have English subtitles, and this year there are also two French language films (subtitled in German) that are accessible to anyone with fluent French skills. Of course, the film VERGISS MEYN NICHT on Saturday at 12:30 only makes sense for those NOT taking part in the IFEF.

All the films at Edimotion 2024 that are accessible to either English or French speaking visitors

© Hübner/ Voss © Hübner/ Voss


Fiction, Lifetime Achievement Award – German with English subtitles
Friday 11 October – 20:00 – Cinema Filmforum

ANNA ZEIT LAND accompanies two women on their separate journeys through Germany in the years 1989-1993. Both are called Anna. One collects sounds, noises, political speeches and fragments of music, the other collects images. Photos, archive images, film footage and sound elements combine to create an experience of cinematic association. The film walks the boundaries of form and genre. The cinematic construction reflects the German present and past. Armed with a camera and tape recorder, the two Annas record reality as they approach it, without judging it. Unbiased and spontaneous, they find themselves in a strange world in which ideologies have been declared obsolete. The only thing that counts is the present, as the working title of the film, “Farewell to Tomorrow”, suggests. Four years of filming were followed by a year of intensive editing.

DE 1994, 100 Min. Editor: Gabriele Voss. Director: Christoph Hübner. Writers: Christoph Hübner, Gabriele Voss. Director of Photography: Christoph Hübner, P.C. Neumann. Composer: Erwin Stache. Cast: Angela Schanelec, Stephanie Adams.

German with engl. UT

Friday 11 October – 20:00, Filmforum NRW, Bischofsgartenstr. 1

Tickets (not required for participants of the IFEF)



Documentary competition – German with English subtitles
Saturday 12 October, 12:30 – Cinema Filmhaus

In 2018, climate activists occupied the Hambach Forest, which soon became a symbol of resistance against politics and the fossil economy. Activists live in various camps at a height of 30 meters in self-built tree houses and try to prevent the impending deforestation by throwing their own lives into the balance. Film student Steffen Meyn accompanies the protest action for two years as a kind of “embedded journalist” with a 360° helmet camera and finally dies when he falls out of a tree house during a police eviction - a tragedy that disturbs activists and the public and will leave its mark. The film combines the footage shot by Meyn in a spirit of solidarity, but not uncritically, with current interviews with activists and asks once again how far protest can, should or must go.

DE 2023. Editing: Ulf Albert. Directors: F. Fragale, K. Kuhlendahl, J. Mühlhoff. DoP: C. Neubohn, N. Daniels, Steffen Meyn. Production: Made in Germany.
102 Minuten. German with English subtitles


© IFC Films © IFC Films


Guest Country Australia
Saturday 12 October, 20:30 – Cinema Filmhaus

Tasmania 1825: For Clare, a convict from Ireland, life in the Australian penal colony is hell. As a virtual bondservant of the British officer Hawkins, she is subjected to constant abuse and malicious violence. After a particularly traumatic escalation, she is left with only the dark urge for revenge.

Clare pursues her tormentors through the Tasmanian wilderness and finds support from Billy, a local tracker. He is a survivor of the “Black War”, a devastating military campaign of extermination waged by the British occupying forces against Tasmania's indigenous people. Their alliance of convenience, initially accompanied by Billy's mistrust and Clare's open racism, gradually develops into a friendship.

AUS 2018 – 136 min., English, Irish Gaelic, Aboriginal "Palawa Kani", with eng. subtitles
Editor: Simon Njoo. Director & Writer: Jennifer Kent. Director of Photography: Radek Ladczuk. Composer: Jed Kurzel. Sound: Dean Ryan, Robert Mackenzie, Pete Smith. Production: Causeway Films, Made Up Stories. Cast: Aisling Franciosi, Sam Claflin, Baykali Ganambarr, Damon Herriman, Magnolia Maymuru. Distributer: Transmission Films (AUS), FilmNation Entertainment (INT).

Tickets (TEMPO members and/or IFEF participants pay the reduced fee of 7 €)


Fiction competition – French with German subtitles
Sunday 13 October, 10:00 – Cinema Filmforum

Auf einem Bauernhof im Schweizer Jura-Gebirge ist vor kurzem das Familienoberhaupt gestorben und hat seiner Witwe Mathilde unerwartete Schulden hinterlassen. Der jüngere Sohn Steve unterstützt seine Mutter bei der Viehzucht, aber eigentlich gilt die Leidenschaft des massiven Mannes dem traditionellen Schweizer Kampfsport Schwingen. Die Rückkehr des älteren Sohnes Joël an den Hof wird von der Mutter begrüßt, doch Steve reagiert zunächst argwöhnisch und feindselig. Um die Schulden zu tilgen und den drohenden Zwangsverkauf des Hofes zu verhindern, überzeugt Joël schließlich seinen jüngeren Bruder, als Kämpfer bei illegalen Wettkämpfen in Frankreich aufzutreten.

CH, FRA 2024.
Montage: Nicolas Hislaire. Regie: Pierre Monnard. Buch: Yves Patrick Delachaux, Joseph Incardona, Emmanuelle Fournier-Lorentz, Dominique Turin, Nicolas Hislaire. Kamera: Joseph Areddy. Musik: Nicolas Rabaeus. Ton: Henri Maïkoff, Denis Séchaud, Benjamin Benoit. Produktion: P.S. Productions (CH), Les Contes Modernes (FRA). Schauspiel: Maxime Valvini, Karim Barras, Marie Berto, India Hair, Adel Bencherif, u. a. Verleih: Ascot Elite, Zürich.
103 Minuten, Französisch mit deu. UT. Kinostart: 07.02.2024 (Romandie)



Fiction competition – English with German subtitles
Sunday 13 October, 16:00 – Cinema Filmforum

Kira and Ian meet on the Isle of Skye in Scotland and spend two days together. They flirt and have fun together, hike through the barren winter landscape, talk about love and life. Both are in their mid-30s and on the run - from their past as well as from the realities of their current lives. Kira is newly separated and wonders whether she always ends up with the wrong person. Ian is in a relationship but is unhappy. He also avoids contact with his complicated family. Something could develop between Kira and Ian - but then they are torn apart before they have exchanged their contacts. They both return to London, unaware that they live in the same city.

DE, GBR 2023.
Editor: David J. Achilles. Director & Screenwriter: Aylin Tezel. DoP: Julian Krubasik. Music: John Hopkins, Ben Lukas Boysen. Production: Weydemann Bros (DE), Compact Pictures (GBR). Cast: Aylin Tezel, Chris Fulton, Alexandra Dowling, Rory Fleck Byrne.
113 Minuten, English with German subtitles.


© First Hand Films © First Hand Films


Documentary competition – French with German subtitles
Sunday 12 October, 16:15 – Cinema Filmhaus

Jean Guarnerie hands over his film diaries to his son Jules–- after all his meandering filming at the family chalet, let him turn them into a movie, as long as he finishes something. Jules fulfills his father's heart's desire, albeit in a completely different way than expected: The confrontation with the unwieldy material becomes a cinematic emancipation process, the audience become traveling companions in the dazzlingly neurotic family history. On the screen, the contrast between his own and his father's images creates a humorous dialog with the father, the adoptive siblings, the deceased mother who ghostly shapes the scenery and, last but not least, his own attitude.

CH 2022. Editor & Director: Jules Guarneri. Kamera: Jules Guarneri, Jean Guarneri. Music: Louis Jucker. Production: Intermezzo Films.
73 Minuten. French with German subtitles


© Film Kino Text © Film Kino Text


Documentary, Lifetime Achievement Award – German with English subtitles
Monday 14 October – 10:30 – Cinema Filmhaus

Everyone is talking about climate change. And that something has to change. With the end of coal mining, an entire way of life is changing in the Ruhr region. In 2018, after 150 years, Prosper/Haniel, the last coal mine in the Ruhr region, will close. People remain. How do they deal with the end of the era that has shaped their lives for generations? Do industrial monuments and cultural events help them to find a new identity? What do customs and club life still mean when the underlying core has been removed? What was, what remains, what is to come? VOM ENDE EINES ZEITALTERS returns to the places that are now abandoned and changed. Christoph Hübner and Gabriele Voss show how change affects coexistence and individual fates. A project that falls out of time - and yet tells of it. A film in which the end is not yet over. And the future has already begun.

DE 2023, 155 Min. Editor: Gabriele Voss. Director: Christoph Hübner, Gabriele Voss. DoP: Christoph Hübner. Sound: Gabriele Voss. Sound design: Guido Zettier.. Production: Christoph Hübner Filmprodukion.

German with English subtitles


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